Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dolls hanging out before their next home.

The dolls met and mingled before going to their new homes for the month. They all had adventures in their travels this month. They were more adorned and look amazing. Such a fun gathering of women.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sassy and Darwinia enjoying a party!

Abil Gail went to Pumpkin Town

While traveling Abil Gail went and posed next to giant pumpkins - Such fun!

Holly Hobby Wanna Be

A thirty year old who said she would like a make over!


Molly - Hot Ta Molly - a beautiful sexy lady and

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Peaches has joined us and is ready to join the fun. Can't wait to see you again Peaches.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sassy got ahead by getting A HEAD

Sassy now has a head and arms. She needs to go and stay with Patty. I am going to miss her. She is full of love :) and not shown her sassy side in this house yet. She was a little cheeky to Brigid; she looked at Brigid and said Brigid needs to let her hair down. "That bun has to give you a headache" was her comment. Sassy thinks Brigid needs to get a body tattoo, and have green or blue nail polish on. I personally think Brigid would like a pink manicure instead. Brigid and Sassy became very friends while they were together.